Monday, July 27, 2009

DigiMode X

DigiMode X Free version is well designed media player program that runs without installation. It has great features and capapilities. The player has fast audio file search capabilites. special info creen displays all available mp3 tags. Audio player runs without limitations and has one click album creation feature. complete playlist functions and automated playpack of previously loaded files at startup.Secret playlist enables users to creat secret playlists that can be created and recalled via kyboard strokes. embeded calculator, notebad, and sound recorder specially for those usually nissing these essential application due to anew breed of annoying viruses. The pro version includes video player with quick video album creation and loading feature. The player also includes Equalizer and effects on the pro version. Photo finder has very fast photo viewlist loading and ultra fast search for photo capability. a slide show that can view photo snapshots at extereme speed. VCD player plays any videos in your CD drive even if the videos are not in the standard Avseq dat format. DVD player plays your dvds. Mod player to play mod files. video player has file info and frame by frame movement feature. full screen switching without any noticeable delay.